UGA | |
université Grenoble-Alpes | |
IFS | |
Institut français de Suède | |
Lunds kommun | |
IA | |
Investissements d'Avenirs | |
FR-SE innovation partnership | |
A French and Swedish strategic partnership for innovation and green solutions | |
Lund Institute of Advanced neutron and X-ray Science | |
UPS | |
Université Paris-Saclay | |
ILL | |
Institut Laue-Langevin | |
CNRS | |
Centre national de la recherche scientifique | |
SINE2020 | |
Science and Innovation with Neutrons in Europe in 2020. 654000 — SINE2020 — H2020-INFRADEV-2014-2015/H2020-INFRADEV-1-2014-1 | |
LLB | |
Laboratoire Léon Brillouin | |
KTH | |
Royal Institute of Technology | |
Synchrotron SOLEIL | |
ESS | |
European spalliation source | |
MAX IV | |
SNSS | |
Swedish Neutron Scattering Society | |
SFN | |
Societé Français de la Neutronique | |
2FDN | |
Fédération Française de neutronique |
Online user: 1 | RSS Feed |